Paying Your Rent:
Rent is due on the1st of every month. If easier for you, rent can be paid ahead of time and credited toward your account. Rent can be paid via personal check, money order, cashier’s check, or online payment through your tenant portal. We CANNOT accept cash payments for any reason.
Payments via check, money order, or cashier’s check can be mailed to us or dropped off at our office. If you do not want to mail this payment but cannot drop it off at our office during office hours a secure drop box is available for use on the south side of our building.
Late Fees:
Rent is considered late if collected after the 3rd of every month. In most cases, a late fee of $25.00 or 5% of your total monthly rent, whichever is greater, will be applied to your account if a balance exists on your account after the 3rd of each month. Late rent payment cannot be paid online or with a personal check. All late payments MUST be made using a cashier’s check or money order. The lease states “Rent is late if it is not received by 11:59 pm on the date it is due. Resident shall pay a late rent payment fee of five percent (5%) of the rent payment due after 11:59 p.m. on the fifth (5th) day of the month such rent is due.”
Every tenant who rents through us will have access to the Tenant Portal. The Tenant Portal gives you access to several things including making payments, reviewing documents, and submitting maintenance requests. This section will walk you through the key features of the Tenant Portal as well as setting up your account
Your Tenant Portal account will be setup automatically for you. When you log in for the first time, you will create a password. An email will be sent to each tenant residing at the property you’re renting that will come from a “Do Not Reply” email address. This email will include a web link prompting you to create a password for your account.
Logging Into Your Account:
After you’ve created a password for your Tenant Portal account, you’ll be able to sign into it from our website, On the top left of corner of our website you’ll see “Owner Login | Tenant Login”. Press the Tenant Login Button to go to the Tenant Portal login page. Once there you’ll be prompted to use your email address and password to log into your Tenant Portal. Below is an image of the Tenant Login button and the sign in page:

Making payments through the Tenant Portal:
By pressing the “Make Payment” button at the top of your Tenant Portal you can make a one-time payment or set up an auto pay schedule.

You can make payments via eCheck ($3.00 service fee per transaction will apply) or Credit Card (Credit Card fees may apply). You will also be able to select a payment amount and a date to have the payment go through. The “Frequency” pull-down window will give you the option to make a one-time or set up a reoccurring autopay schedule using the billing information you input. The payment page is depicted below:
Be very careful inputting your routing and checking number. Your accuracy is critical to making the payment.

Documents Page:
In the “Documents” Section you will be able to view any applicable documents that have been made available to you. This will include documents such as a copy of your lease and HOA Rules and Regulations if applicable. The “Documents” button can be found in the top right corner of your Tenant Portal home page.

Maintenance Requests:
Next to the “Make Payment” Button you will see a “Contact Us” Button.

On this page, you will see a Subject Line and a Message Line. Give a brief title to the issue or inquiry you’re writing about in the Subject Line. In the Message Line please give us much detail about your inquiry or issue as you can. Messages submitted here will be sent directly to our maintenance team who will be able to further assist you. You will also be able to upload any photos or applicable files by adding them with the “Add Attachments” button. Once you’re satisfied with your message press the “Save Message” button at the bottom of the page to submit it. The Contact Us page is depicted below:

Take the Tour:
For an animated guide on how to use your tenant portal press the “Take the Tour” button. This feature will walk you through the information on your tenant portal covered in this packet.

To begin the lease break procedure, you will need to email us to notify us of your intentions to break the lease via your tenant portal and the “contact us” link. The lease break fee is 100% of one month’s rent. Please refer to your lease for the specifics. Your lease can be found in your tenant portal, under documents.
The lease break fee outlined in the lease is equal to but not treated as one month’s rent and you’re responsible for all rent, utilities and associated costs until we can get the property re-rented. If we rent the property during a month that you’ve paid (ie you pay October rent and we rent the property October 15) you’ll be credited back the rent for the days that are covered under the new lease with your security deposit. Please provide notice to vacate via the portal. Once we have notice, we will charge your account the lease break fee. Once the fee is paid we will begin marketing the property.
Additionally, you will legally be responsible for the property until it is re-rented or your current lease expires, whichever comes first. This responsibility includes, but may not be limited to, paying rent for the property, paying the utility bills for the property, and maintaining the condition of the property.
When the lease is broken the damage deposit will be handled just like it would be at the end of a lease. We will do a thorough inspection of the property once it becomes vacant. Any items found to need repair, replacement, or cleaning will be addressed. If it is determined to be due to tenant negligence or damage the costs for repair, replacement, or cleaning may be paid for out of your damage deposit. We will have 60 days from the day that new tenants take possession or the existing lease expires, whichever is first, to return the deposit remainder to you.
Changes to the tenants on the lease can be made. We need the agreement of all residents for any person to be removed from or added to the lease. This can be supplied via the resident portal and each resident must put in their agreement. If there is a new resident moving in, please let us know their name and have them apply at for approval. There is a resident change fee of $150.00 due and you all must sign the resident change addendum to approve the changes. Any deposit needs to be settled between you, the remaining residents and any new resident as the security deposit stays with the property until all occupants vacate.
Update resident changes to “Resident(s) agrees that any occupancy change will occur upon the renewal of the Lease only, there will be no occupancy changes approved during the Lease agreement term unless the change qualifies under Colorado Revised Statute Title 38.”
Within about 45-60 days of the end of your lease we will email you a lease renewal proposal. This document will specify the effective start date and end date of a new lease as well as the monthly rental cost. Once you’ve reviewed this proposal you will need to email us back to notify us of whether the proposal is approved or not.
If the proposal is approved:
Once we receive notice of approval from you we will email you a new lease for all occupants to sign. Upon receiving the signed new lease we will activate it for you on our end.
If the proposal is not approved:
You will need to email us so that we have, in writing, your intent to not renew the lease. Notice should be input through the tenant portal “contact us” link. Additionally, we will need to receive this notice at least 30 days prior to the end of your current lease. If we do not receive notice at least 30 days before the lease ends rent for the following month will be owed to us and you will default to being a holdover tenant.
Move Out Procedure: Ensure that you notify us via email that you plan to vacate the property at least 30 days prior to the end of the lease. It is our expectation that the property will be left in move in ready condition. This includes having carpets professionally cleaned, making sure yards are weed free and mowed, ensuring that all trash is removed from the property, etc. Anything that needs to be repaired, cleaned, or otherwise addressed after the end of the lease may be paid for out of your damage deposit as needed. One of our agents will perform a move-out inspection once the property has become vacant after the end of the lease.
Notice must be effective for the end of the month; mid-month notice is not permitted.
See the move out guide in your Buildium portal.
Damage Deposit Return: Legally we have 60 days to return your damage deposit to you. We will perform a thorough move-out inspection after the property becomes vacant. Any items found to need repair, replacement, or cleaning will be addressed. If it is determined to be due to tenant negligence or damage the costs for repair, replacement, or cleaning may be paid for out of your damage deposit.
We do not want your damage deposit. Please leave the unit in excellent condition so we can promptly return your full deposit.
If you need to reach us outside of normal business hours due to an emergency call our office line at 303-694-5116. You’ll hear an automated menu. From this menu you will be able to report emergency maintenance items through this automated menu and someone will reach out to you as soon as possible.
Below are some examples of emergencies that may need after hours support:
- Active leak, beyond a slow drip, in your property
- Your furnace stops working in the middle of winter
Below are some examples of things that are not emergencies that may need after hours support:
- Your oven stops working
- You have questions about rent